Your Brief Guide to Ultrasonic Welding Plastic Material

Ultrasonic Welding Machines

Ultrasonic welding is a technique used for bonding two parts made of the same or chemically compatible materials by using a high-frequency ultrasonic vibration that can create a solid-state weld between the two parts. 

Why people prefer ultrasonic welding for plastics? 

One of the most compelling advantages of using the ultrasonic method for welding plastics is that you can bond the materials within seconds. Besides, you can achieve high strength, gas and watertight bond without employing any used of threads, screws, solder, or any other bonding material. 

With ultrasonic welding, there’s no requirement of keeping the welded parts in a jig for curing or making them highly usable in an automation line. Also, this type of welding is an eco-friendly process that mostly consumes very little energy while producing a weld that’s permanent, clean, and cost-effective. 

How do you explain the working of ultrasonic welding? 

The process of ultrasonic in plastic welding is performed by applying a vibrating metal tool at 90 degrees to the stationery plastic parts. The vibrations then gradually get transferred to the elements, and they get combined with pressure. Further, the friction produces heat and melts the pieces at the horn contact point. 

The welding horn used in the process transfers the energy in the vibrations to the workpieces. It’s mostly designed to match the contours of the specific workpieces. Likewise, it attenuates the vibration to a particular value and employs the force lacked to make the process work. 

Once the horn is cooled down, a solid homogenous weld between two parts is created. 

How do you weld dissimilar plastics? 

You can find numerous ways to weld similar types of plastics. But when it comes to dissimilar ones, many get confused if it’s even possible! Well, you must know, two different plastics can be readily welded, provided that their properties are compatible. 

For instance, ABS can be assembled to weld with PC and PMMA. However, there always lies an appropriate preparation measure that must be taken to ensure that the welding process gets completed successfully. 

If you’re welding homopolymers and terpolymers, the energy director should incorporate onto the homopolymer workpiece. 

When you look at the application of ultrasonic welding, the process is highly used in the aerospace, medical, computer, electrical, automotive and packaging industries. 

We hope this brief discussion on how ultrasonic welding can be used for plastics. 


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