Learning The Basics Regarding Ultrasonic Plastic Welding Technology

Plastic Welding Specialists

Ultrasonic welding technology is defined by the process which uses vibrations that are ultrasonic and are used to seal two thermoplastic parts accurately in almost a sub-second time frame. If an ideal amount of pressure is applied to the procedure, then the sealing procedure will be completed in almost 0.2 seconds. 

It should be known that these ultrasonic waves almost vibrate 10’s of thousands of times in one second. This type of oscillation is then transferred to another surface that has been in contact with the plastic parts. Due to the oscillation process, a large acoustic impedance is created which gives rise to high temperatures. Since plastic is a bad conductor of heat, the heat instead melts the plastic from solid form to liquid form - which helps in blending two pieces of plastic into one. In this article guide, we’ll be going through some of the major basics that you need to know about Ultrasonic Plastic Welding

The Factors That Is Responsible For Ultrasonic Plastic Welding

It should be remembered that welding head pressure and welding time can be easily adjusted with the overall amplitude of the oscillation. The amplitude configuration will be determined by the rods and converters. Some of the main variables that you need to keep in mind are:

  • Hold Time
  • Welding Time
  • Amplitude Converters And Rods
  • Welding Head Pressure

The adjustment needs to be precise to make the most out of the system. In case the frequency amount is too high, then the plastic can easily be deformed outside of the boundaries that are being used as connection points. Similarly, if the frequency amount is too low or weak, then the process could suffer from a weak connection between the plastic parts.

The Reasons To Use The Process Of Ultrasonic Plastic Welding

There’s no denying that the ultrasonic plastic welding technology sets itself apart due to its high welding strength, fast speeds for welding along with a good sealing performance as well. Such a process is indeed a very suitable replacement for regular bonding or welding procedures. 

These welding processes carried out by Ultrasonic Welding Machines are clean since there’s no such generation of harmful glues or solvents. Furthermore, the technology is also much easier to implement in any production environment with a very low failure rate. As a result, all of these benefits lead to a much lower overall production cost.

The Areas For Application

It should be remembered that the process of ultrasonic plastic welding is suitable for all kinds of thermoplastics. When planning for the welding procedure between semi-crystalline and amorphous plastics, it should be known that welding behaviour of each of these plastics differs from each other. This is the reason why it's important to know the physical and chemical properties of the plastic that is to be used.

In today’s world, ultrasonic plastic welding technology is used in almost every industry out there. Some of the commonly used industries are medical, automotive, plastics, textile, food, packaging and so on. 


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